These are just notes for myself.
November 16,2009 is the day of the new moon. I just so happens to browse on a site that let me know that today is a moon of new happenings. Just as I clicked on a Moon Phases site, I noticed a stink bug on the curtains in my house.
This is the message of the stink bug.These are insects in plant-disguise, animals with the appearance of a plant. Analogically you are a spiritual presence in human disguise, a species belonging to one of nature's realms but with the looks of another. you have the ability to go unnoticed, or, to move from one realm to the other.
As a totem these animals can teach you how to go about your own things without being hindered by the opinions of the outside world. An invitation to search inside for who you really are, and what talents you may have to develop.
So is the universe inviting me to understand my true self just a little bit more? Who am I? Why am I searching? I just bought a book by Carl Jung titled "Modern Man in search of a soul". Is the new moon the great energy to help me search for my immortal soul that I seek. :P
I also decide to look up the story of Marduk. There is a character on Tekken 6 named of Marduk that I played with just before researching this guy. How interesting everything unfolds from mere intuition and thoughts. What am I?