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Someday I would love to write and publish a book. This is a place where I can practice, grow, and connect with others. Peek into my life and my life will reveal to you that we are not that much different. :)

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Bear Moments

I have about 30 minutes before I hit the gym. Today I want to write down my experience with the bear totem.

During class today. I had one of my Korean studies start to blurt out all the bears that she could notice inside the classroom.I did notice that there were a lot of Teddy bears as erasers, book covers, and other neat things you could put teddy bears on or make into.

Earlier that day. I was watching a clip over and over again that had me laughing constantly "inside my brain" for a while. One of the actors mentioned Bear-Baiting and I didn't know what It was,so I looked it up. It's crazy stuff, noble people tortured bears in England. They are always tripping over there.

The clip I heard "Bear Baiting".

The first thing that ran inside my brain was the idea that I discovered a new totem for the day. I wonder what it means. I wonder what the totem is trying to tell me.

The keywords for a bear are leadership,solitary,healer, grandfather,peace, and warmth. There are a billion other meanings that I can't think of write now, but I hope to learn the BEAR lesson and incorporate its teachings into my life. It's going to be rough since I have too many addictions and projects that I am thinking of, starting, but not completing. I swear I have to be more productive some how.

We will see. I'm off to go to the gym for an hour or so, play Tera for a couple of hours, then sort the videos and pictures I took over the weekend. I might spend all night sorting through pictures. I need to go back into my memories. Maybe watch Princess and the Frog tonight.