Good Work Jamaal!!!. I am congratulating myself because I woke up around 8:30 a.m. today just like yesterday. I went to be around 11:30 pm., I picked those hours to go to sleep and wake up because I’ve read in a Fung Shui book that if you go to sleep during the hour of the RAT (11pm-1pm) You are more than likely to get a better nights rest and your cells will rejuvenate a lot faster during those hours. The hour of the dragon is between 7 am – 9am, during that hour I meditate, stretch, and gather some of that early morning energies from the Dragon. So far It’s been very fulfilling and I am proud of myself for becoming more self-discipline as I unravel myself from the negative thoughts that are holding me down. I deserve a change for the better and I will do the best I can with this.
Last night before I went to sleep, I read a little booklette about the 7 days mental diet. I am supposed to keep track of my thoughts and never dwell on negative thoughts, or I will have to start over. That means anyone that creates the disturbance in the force for 7 days will go unacknowledged, I am pretty self-defeating at times and hold myself back a lot from thinking to much so other people adding to that equation will be set on fire in my mind. But I possess so much talent; if I let it go to waste by thinking crappy all the time, this life time will have been a waste.
Yesterday I went to the library and read on some good materials and browsed through a few model webpage’s, writer’s information, and other things that were useful. My location is inhibiting from shinning, so if I am able to find another location to thrive off of, Ill is sure to use my talents wisely. The first and most important step is to develop a healthy schedule, because I banned myself from the T.V. because as I ascend it gets harder to watch these days. There is a bunch of garbage going on, so lately, I’ve been writing poems, running, reading, and stretching, enjoying nature to enjoy my time. I am developing a dialogue with my spiritual guide name Molt Wood; he is supposed to be my highest guide. So, I chatted with him a couple of times and he is pretty funny at times, it’s either my imagination or him. Its fun none the less; there is just a so many surprises in life. He yells at me when I get down on myself, it’s hard being a Virgo at times. But from what I was told we are suppose to run the world!
What shall I do today? Oh I decided to go into writing and modeling. I am gifted in both and will try my best to be acknowledged for my diverse mind which I feel is far different from a lot of folks. I really don’t call myself a southerner although I lived here for the majority of my life; I’ve traveled to many places and haven’t spoken to anyone in the south about deep subjects. The main topic is weed or black suppression, something useless like that. So if the southerners I’ve spoken with aren’t going to provide me with any mind stimulation, books and magazines will. Speaking of books, I’ve read this therapy book for writers. I have to start taking myself seriously as a writer and appreciate my works because they are going to change the world someday. As a child I was never really able to express myself because loud people that talks about nothing like to talk over me. That is why I learned to tap really fast, and involved myself in strategic gaming. Now I am able to read the dictionary as freely as I want to learn new words and develop my vocabulary. I like keeping things simple by letting the words flow peacefully.
Since I am on this keeping positive diet, I have to stay focused on the music I like, and constantly play music, search for employment that I like and no one else. I have to stay in-tuned with my Anime, Crystals, Nature, Beauty, and everything that makes me smile at all times. If not they aren’t needed in my life, because all that matters is my well-being during this time. Video games really clear my mind and things that’s smell good as well. The Orcas, Oceans, Sea Creatures, Dolphins, and Acoustic Guitars, Japanese culture, Samurais, Philosophy, and beautiful women with nicely shaped bodies. I am a quiet guy that really doesn’t like to speak much unless something sparks my interest. Usually it has to be about space and astronomy I look at anyone peacefully. Mangas are my favorite, especially the ones about games because the kids on there are trying to get stronger and help out their friends. That is wonderful to me; I have been a lone wolf for a while now. Even though I have friends that helped me, I am able to just take some of their thoughts and leave the rest. I don’t think anyone can handle the full me, because I am very passive and when someone shows an ounce of weakness. I just don’t bother with them anymore I suppose.
Astrology and Chinese zodiac is pretty amazing to me, Tarot cards, Pendulums, Shamanism, Buddhism, anything that involves taking your shoes off and putting my toes in between sand, viewing the ocean is the best. Traveling has been my biggest thing, although I travel a lot more mentally than physically. Soon I will have both since my positive thoughts will dwell upon being free. My moon will protect me, speaking of moon, I think it’s a new moon either today or tomorrow so I am going to get some creative energies. I am going to have to write my thoughts about the future today or tomorrow and create a poem or two about it. That would be fun.
The highlight of this little blog, journal entry, or whatever is about thinking positive and I have to track it. When I write, I track it better which will make me an abundant person filled with attractive things. If people are dwelling on the negative, all I have to do is become a silent observer and do not have to accept what they are saying. I am great at observing, so people need to watch out what they say around me or it can backfire. I am sensitive to sound, smell, touch, and site.
My animal guide for today is a Porcupine and its message is telling me!!!
“Porcupine has appeared in your reading today to bring a message of innocence and trust. Although Porcupine can throw quills when cornered, he is gentle, loving, and non-aggressive. Is there an area of your life that need Porcupine energy? Have you lost the ability to trust?
Yes, I have lost the ability to trust. I hardly trust my family with any information how I can trust strangers out there unless I pay them. That is why I blog, I trust that I am getting through to people to help express how they feel. I am full of expression and not even getting paid for it. But people are going through all kinds of garbage in their lives. I seem to be the only one that likes to submerge myself in knowledge and wisdom, while staying physically active everyday. Putting nothing but great food into my body that will allow me to grow into new levels, I guess people like me are pretty rare. Where are you guys?! Oh well, they will come if I think about it. Soon I will be able to learn from the great masters about how to gather energy from cosmic levels instead of having to eat. That’s it for today, laptop battery is dying. !”OH NO!”. I am going to read a book about conquering the world with size 13’s.
Sixth Moon -
It is good to see that you are accepting and exploring your "difference".
I write a blog that deals with some of the other aspects of Crystal, Indigo, and Star Children. The blog attempts to explain why they are here and how some have forgotten that purpose.
Possibly some of these explanations will help you with your work
Here is the link:
No TV huh? I guess I'm like you, I find it harder to watch it as well. I usually just keep it on the soundscapes music channel and listen to new age music while I record my thoughts on my voice recorder - jeez, we are apart but always doing the same thing...maybe you are my true soulmate....soulmate- what does that really mean?!? Anwyays, I miss ya.
a soulmate is usually the opposite sex that seem to live similar lives through a series of events. And when they come together, it feels like they've known each other all their lives. Or, a person with similar passions and goals, just a different way of going about life. Our Zodiac even tells us that. Pisces and Virgo. Im the smart one :D haha j.p
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